I suppose looking back now, blogging seems like a pretty natural route for my life to take. For as long as I can remember, (throughout my teenage years and before) I always kept a diary. I loved to write about everything that was happening in my life and sometimes would even write lyrics or poems to express how I was feeling. It was always a way for me to get out my emotions and make sense of what I was experiencing throughout those crazy teen years. I remember having so many mixed emotions, one day I’d be having the best day ever and the next, nothing was going my way and everything sucked. That’s just the way you feel as a teen and although you gain more perspective as an adult, those highs and lows never really go away.




I found it always helped me to have an outlet that made me feel better. Whether that be writing, talking to a friend or family member, or going to the gym. All of these things were therapeutic for me and super helpful when things got tough. As I got older, blogging and event planning became the way I expressed myself creatively. I collected diaries as a kid the way I collect notebooks and agendas as an adult. I think every diary I ever had growing up was pink. I can remember almost all of them. One was pink and fuzzy, one had a lock and key, one was covered in pretty flowers. Diaries about my  feelings and crushes have now turned into pretty notebooks full of to-do lists and agendas of important dates and deadlines. My memory isn’t the greatest, so these books have become my lifeline for remembering everything and keeping myself on track. I use them as a creative outlet as well and enjoy using stickers and cool pens to make the experience of writing more enjoyable.



Writing to-do lists might not sound like fun, but throw in a beautiful notebook and a fancy pink pen and all of the sudden I’m enjoying writing my lists and staying organized.




I wanted to give a glimpse of my current desk situation. I love having bright pops of colours to keep things looking happy and fun. I always have a selection of colourful pens on hand to keep my agendas and notebooks colour coded.




The below pens are PaperMate Inkjoy Gel Pens. The way a pen slides across the paper is really important to me. I don’t have the best hand writing (in fact, it’s just plain ugly) so I rely on good pens to help make my chicken scratch look a little prettier. Also, anyone else buy their next year agenda like 6 months in advance? As soon as those 2017 agendas hit the shelves I bought mine immediately. There’s just something about starting a brand new agenda for a new year. It’s the same feeling I get at 12:00 midnight on December 31st. It’s a fresh start. A blank page. And there’s something really exciting and satisfying about that. 




A few other things I’m loving about these pens: they dry super fast (3x faster than the average pen) so that I don’t get that annoying smudge mark across the page and on the outside of my hand. You know that spot on the outside of your pinky finger that always ends up covered in ink? I hate that! The no smear factor in a pen is key. There’s also 14 colours to choose from, so if you’re like me and enjoy colour coding all of your notes and lists, this will ensure there is no shortage of great colours to choose from.




You can find out more HERE. They retail for $42.00 for a pack of 14. 


Special thanks to PaperMate Inkjoy Gel Pens for partnering up with me on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.