I had plans to get up this nursery reveal post up much earlier, but if you’ve been following along on Instagram you will know that the last few months didn’t really go according to plan. My due date was November 4th and I was planning to stop work October 4th to give myself a month off to relax before baby and get everything in order. However, before I could wrap up work and have some time off I ended up having an emergency c-section on September 27th. The first half of my pregnancy was smooth sailing – I felt amazing the whole time. Then in August things took a turn. I developed intense sciatic nerve pain so bad that I was on crutches. I couldn’t even walk 1 step without help. I also had tons of swelling – my feet grew almost 3 sizes and I had to buy new shoes because nothing fit. Then, I started to feel some really intense pain under my rib cage, shoulder and felt nauseous. The pain got so bad that I ended up going to the hospital and thank god I did, because I ended up with HELLP Syndrome – a life-threatening serious form of Preeclampsia. It was a good thing I went to the hospital when I did because I ended up delivering a few hours later. It was incredibly scary, but also the happiest day of our lives giving birth to Lily Florence King at 2:06am weighing 4 pounds 6 ounces. I ended up with some complications after giving birth, two ambulance rides and hospital stays. Lily ended up staying in the NICU for 42 days. She was quite early so she needed time to grow and develop further before we could take her home. She had a bit of trouble with regulating her sugar levels, so she ended up being in the NICU for longer than normal. Needless to say it was a ROUGH couple of months. It’s been absolutely amazing to finally have Lily at home with us now. Both her and I have recovered and are feeling amazing. Lily is a dream come true. As hard as the past few months were, I’d do it all again in a heartbeat to be where we are now!
I’m excited to finally get up pictures of her nursery! Check out the details below 🙂
The highlight of the nursery for me is this amazing pink gingham wallpaper from Livettes Wallpaper. I used the self adhesive wallpaper and I love that you can pick custom colours for alot of their wallpaper designs. I picked Millenial Pink and it was really easy to put up. I love how easy the peel-and-stick wallpaper is and it always looks incredible. The room was originally all blue when we moved in. The rest of the walls we painted using Benjamin Moore Cloud Cover. Check out the before/after pictures below!

Wallpaper: Livette’s Wallpaper (Gifted)
Chandelier: Home Depot
Mirror: Structube
Table/Chairs, Baskets, Tree, Rug: Homesense
Flamingo: Cuddle & Kind
Pink Pram/Stroller: Hudson’s Bay
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